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Chantage au Parc

What to expect? 

Chantage is a pop choir, festive and offbeat, based on benevolence, pleasure and the joy of singing together. You are made to sing to connect with each other and pay attention to yourself too.

No level required but regularity is desirable: the choir meets every Wednesday from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Garden.

Every 3rd Wednesday of the month come support, encourage and applaud our singers at the Park and if you feel like it, you can even sing along with us!



Parc du Wolvendael - kiosque Woodpecker (entrée Dieweg) - 118O Bruxelles.


Faut-il payer des frais d’inscription?

Non : la participation est libre et volontaire

Faut-il porter une tenue particulière?

Des vêtements colorés font toujours du bien ;)

Faut-il s’inscrire?


11 May

Encore, encore, encore

18 May

Chair Dance